
Each person is a treasure box. You are a treasure box. Your life is a story.

About Me

I'm so glad you're here!

Hi, I'm Cris, the author of Just for Love & Giggles, a storybook for children I self-published in 2022.

I'm also the author and creator of BellaRoseandFriends.com - a website featuring a collection of my original children's stories and messages focusing on love, happiness, kindness and bravery.

I wrote my first story in 2003 for my niece Allysa - I was teaching her to ride a horse. I wanted to reflect on all her growth and all the beautiful traits I observed in her over the nine months of lessons.  The story came together beautifully in a memory scrapbook that was really fun to create. She cried when I gave it to her.

My next story came almost eight years later. Another niece and nephew were saying prayers for a horse I had found and was helping to heal. I wrote that story - Bella Rose Finds Her Forever Home - for them. More stories came and my Bella Rose and Friends stories website grew.


Writing for children is so much fun.

It gives you permission to be childlike and playful once again.

In fact, my animals inspired my stories – and tell most of them! (I've been an animal lover from day one.)


I also love talking with elders and learning their stories.

I lost my Mom when I was in my early 30s. She’d always wanted to take me back to the town where she grew up, where my grandparents lived and worked. But I never understood how important and significant that was for her.

We didn't get to do it together and I realized I missed out on learning about her early life and story - the story only she could tell. Before she passed, she promised to send us signs. Hearts and butterflies. When I see them, my heart smiles.

After Mom passed, I became very focused on interviewing my Dad about his family and early years. I didn't want to miss that opportunity. Dad passed 14 years later, but I have the interviews, notes and videos as comforting keepsakes.

They say when someone dies, a library goes with them – of their life, their knowledge, their experiences, perspectives, wisdom and values.


Each person is a treasure box. You are a treasure box. Your life is a story.

Inside of you are special stories, messages, memories, wisdom and values that only you, in your own way, can share.

Whether it's through a magical children's story - or through a story or memory book you write for your loved ones.

Now, more than ever, it's time to create with heart, with love.

Let’s share ourselves through stories – and create keepsakes our loved ones will cherish for generations.

I'd love to show you how to create and self publish your unique storybook - whether it's a single cherished copy or you choose to share it publicly.

Check Out My Storybook Course

Check Out My Stories


Just for Love & Giggles

Children's book of short stories to rekindle joy, magic and wonder. Flip through online or purchase.

Check it Out

Bella Rose and Friends Stories

Collection of my original children's stories and messages focusing on love, happiness, kindness and bravery.

Visit Now

How Can I Help You?

My heart is in helping you find your stories within and create your own keepsake storybook - for your loved ones or even the world.

Storybook Course

A go-at-your-own-pace course that shows you how to find (or take) your story, bring it to life with images, photos, or drawings and self-publish a storybook you can hold in your hands.

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FREE Writing Prompts

Grab these FREE writing prompts to help spark ideas for your story!

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My Story Pages

Story page PDF templates in different colorful themes and a variety of layouts for writing + photos or drawings. Simply mix and match layouts to fit your story. Print out at a print shop or anywhere high-color printing is offered.

Coming Soon

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